My husband: Father of Three


First, let me say that I believe Plumb to be one of the most amazing contemporary Christian female singers.  In all honesty, I don’t really like too many female pop(ish) singers or even female country singers for that matter, but Plumb is brilliant!


My husband after hardly any sleep was the first one to love on MM. I was so drugged from the C-Section.


This past Sunday was Father’s Day.  I made my tool man some gluten free donuts with eggs and fruit for breakfast.  I got him a card and even helped MM sign the card.  We went to my Dad’s later that evening for a surprise dinner and game of cards.  I was so amazed at how many people loved on my man.  People even stopped us in the street to wish him a big “Happy First Father’s Day.”  Oh my word, could God bless us anymore?!  We have so much and so many in our lives.  We are truly blessed beyond belief and do not deserve any that we have.


My tool man and his baby girl at only a few days old. I love her expression. She was such a Daddy’s girl.

The question always comes, “Is MM your first?”  I watched my tool man answer this question this past weekend at his family reunion, and I wondered if the images of our two lost babies crossed his mind like they did mine.  I am sure they did because my tool man will always be the father of three (well until there is a fourth).  I know this probably sounds foolish, and maybe it is foolish to mourn so heavily someone we never got to hold.  I watched him those short weeks we were pregnant with our other two.  The first time I told him about Ann, he cried.  He held my hand through every appointment when I was carrying Alex, and he carried me to the bath when I was finally losing him.





Our wedding bands, and the two rings given to us for each of our lost babies. I love this picture!


MM’s early days before she learned to go to sleep! Many long nights with that little girl.

He is an amazing father.  He cared so tenderly for each child lost the same as he does with our daughter.  I know that our Father God looks down upon His son and smiles with so much love and pride.  Our Father God says, look at my son and how He cares for the family that he has been given!  Oh my!  My heart overflows with joy!  For Father’s Day, we were in the nursery, and I watched my tool man play with the chubbiest little boy I have ever seen!  He was much shorter than MM, a month younger, AND weighed much, much more than she does now.  The two of them rolled around on the floor, and Michael tickled the little boy’s belly and feet while the child screeched in laughter.

A mixture of sadness and love filled my very soul.  I do hope for more children, and we continue to maintain my disease so that we can have more children.  This man deserves so much, and I pray we have a chubby little boy one day so that Michael can teach him how to be a good man!

Happy Belated Father’s Day to my husband… Father of two babies whose footprints are engraved on our hearts, one spunky little girl with too much attitude for words, two pesky puppies, and four chickens!  With all my love, Your Beloved

One Day Soon

IMG_9846Where is my heart today?

One Day Soon…


One day soon the three mile runs, the detox tea, the passing up pizza, the extra crunch, the time on my knees in prayer, the tears of defeat, the getting rid of sugar, the headaches and the pains will be a distant memory.


One day soon the there will be little gigles and sleepless nights.  Bedtime stories, sibling fights.  There will be “It’s not fair” and walks down the aisle.  There will be footy pajama tip-toeing down the stairs and long conversations over cups of tea.





IMG_0233One day soon the wait will be over, and we will look back and think it was all worth it.  Because when that day comes, and God finally allows life, this beloved man will finally hold his child.

35-0249 And on days like today, where tears come too quickly and reality is a little too harsh… I quietly thank God for that one day soon.